Friday 31 August 2012

The Review Show 31/08/2012

I think this is a bit like the crush on the sixth former on the school coach - the clever, caustic, cool girl with the shiny hair that undid a few too many buttons on ugly school shirts to prove the peep of perfect lingerie. She is the older girl, the one showing the way, showing that a new nonchalant path is possible. I wolf whistle when I switch on the telly - you are looking good Kirsty Wark - I think.
I have seen her in a beautiful vintage silk turquoise and blue dress, a fantastically beautiful bumblebee necklace, great legs, ankle strapped shoes. I have thought about doing this blog for a while but I don't watch much tv, don't watch Newsnight or even the review show on Friday very often. I find watching tv hard. I love art and books and music but I also have a guilty but extreme sport enjoyment to the narrative and energy of clothes. For a while I thought Kirsty's stylist was almost pushing things too far - but fishing around on the web - it seems unlikely there is a stylist - I find her reported at a vintage fair in Scotland buying the green print dress, then being given a replacement bee necklace when hers is stolen. 'I want what you wear Kirsty' was going to be the initial title for this and may still be there right heading.

Tonight she was wearing a crystal cityscape t shirt, and a white?/ cream? split skirt with a (nearly over the top) tan. I sort of held my breath. It seems unfathomable that there is a border line of what is ok or not but Kirsty Wark you are 57 and I am 47 and I salute you!